Applications – Sign Lighting, Rural Lighting, Feature Lighting
Location – Town of Vegreville, AB
Type of Lights – DX3-3001S (Cold Climate), Custom Metal Pole, Black Power-Coated Steel, Custom Sign Lighting
The Town of Vegreville had a requirement to light up an entrance sign feature for their town. The Entrance sign feature is located at the East end of the town, just off of the exit from the Yellowhead, Alberta Highway 16, heading west towards Edmonton, Alberta. The entrance sign is located on the north side of the road between the CN railroad tracks and highway 16A just west of Range Road 144. Conventional power was not available so the Town contacted DX3 for options to do a solar lighting solution.
With the recent release of the DX3-3001S Cold Climate Solar Light System, we were able to customize a solution for the town. The custom design involved shortening the DX3-Lp custom light pole and adding a 90 degree arm that mounted the light vertically 2 metres (6 feet) off the ground instead of the standard horizontal mounting 7.62 metres (25 feet) in the air. The design was able to retain the standard battery box and solar panel mount from the DX3-3001S. The result was a nice looking package that lights up the entrance sign feature from dusk till dawn without the need of conventional on grid power.
The light was installed on March 13th, 2014 by Tyco Technologies (Canada) Inc., an installation partner for DX3 Solar Lighting. After the light was put up, we received email feedback from the Public Works and Utilities Manager for the Town of Vegreville. It said ” Very Nice”